Genesis 50:20

Genesis 50:20 - You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day One

I got in last night at about 3 AM. I found a phone directory by a special phone in the welcome briefing tent and found the number for the TOC at the 115th. There was a very nice specialist there that was over in about 20min to pick me up. After a short drive I was taken to my living area which is a small wooden cubical about 10 ft by 10ft that is inside a large tent and dropped off all my bags. My “room” has a bunk-bed in it with a real mattress that is quite comfortable. It has a few shelves and that’s it. Pretty Spartan. But after I dumped my stuff, I went on a quick tour of the FOB and the Hospital. Then at about 03:30 I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up at about 05:45 and had a quite time (Gen20-22). I felt God’s intentionality in the timing of this QT. It is the section with Hagar and Ishmael when they are wandering in the desert and God provides them some water. This place is certainly a desert and there is a huge need for water in the desert. I could empathize with the thirst.

After QT was shower and breakfast by myself. I sat with some Jamaican contractor named Kirk who was a nice guy and lived in the same area in Jamaica that I went to in 1992 on a medical mission trip. Then I went back to the hospital and met the rest of the Docs I will be working with.

We all went to Lunch together. Then I came back and took a nap. Then we went to dinner. Then we were rocketed. After that we all sat on the “front porch” of our living quarters and talked about “stuff”. Then I was tired and went to bed.

It seems like a pretty low key area out here. So far, I like the people that I am working with . The internet access is pretty sketchy so we’ll see how that goes. It is very windy and the internet goes down when the wind is gusting.

There is a lot of promise and adventure that this place holds. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us.

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