There is nothing new going on at this point in the deployment. Things are very very routine now. This is the point in the deployment where it is what you make of it. You can squander time away waiting for the next day and the next day until the deployment ends. Or you can make the most of each moment.
I know that my experience here is much different than most of the soldiers' experience. They are out kicking doors in and supporting those who do. I have often described my job to those soldiers that see me sitting while reading on the front porch "doing nothing" as being a reserve parachute. I remind them that the soldiers' reserve parachute is hardly ever used, but when it is, it always saves your life.
I know that my experience here is much different than most of the soldiers' experience. They are out kicking doors in and supporting those who do. I have often described my job to those soldiers that see me sitting while reading on the front porch "doing nothing" as being a reserve parachute. I remind them that the soldiers' reserve parachute is hardly ever used, but when it is, it always saves your life.
I originally wrote this in 2011, but for some reason it never was posted. I was looking back through the blog and saw that it was never posted so I posted it today.